Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Oops I Did It Again.

Geez. I wish the Rob guy who blogs for Rogers State would write more blogs he is gettin on my nerves fo show. I'm getting that fo show. Wait that's me. I am so sorry guys. Not a day goes by I'm not doing a thousand hundred tens of millions of things. I'm afraid breathing has become a chore. But nevertheless I am here. So I heard thru the grapevine, and by grapevine I mean that chalkboard sign in the student union. I'm not cool, people don't tell me things. haha but I heard there is a bowling night tonight for Rogers State Students. Advice of the day. Go bowling. I am going to try to make it but I have a mid-term tomorrow that I have to study for so I'll try my best.
Advice number two of the day: When you see someone on campus who looks like a person you would get along with, say hi. You might make a new friend.

Stay Classy Rogers State. This is Rob Paine (yo BF4L) signing Off.
I promise another longer post with some video footage before SPRING BREAK.....

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