Friday, December 4, 2009

A Holiday Treat

So first off to all my wonderful and avid readers, I think Hunter the Hillcat is pretty cool. I think it works really good and fits regionally. I think that Hero the Hillcat would have been a really cool name. There is a lot of cool things you could do with that name. Here is a for instance, if we are playing a basketball game and we are down a little, we could play that song, (I can't remember the name) but it goes like "I need a hero," that would be badace. But I think the name is a good one. My vote went to HERO.
So next is my very interesting and serious debate.
The holiday's are coming up and I know just like me that we will all be partying and maybe sipping a glass of wine or lets just say "Having a good time" if you do that and are legal of age requirements, that is perfectly fine. I will be doing this myself. It will be a really nice treat to sit back, be done with school, eat, drink, and be merry. I know we will all have a wonderful holiday and those gorsh dangit finals will be over, HELLS TO THE YES. But here is my advice and it is really serious. Please don't go and get drunk and feel like you are free to drive home. It is very dangerous and not a smart decision. Even if you think that you can get away with it. Because you do not want to deal with the DUI consequences and you really don't want to hurt or kill anybody or yourself. Please this is a very important issue that I feel is underrated. Because I know of many of my friends who have gotten drunk and drive and had really bad situations happen to them. Manslaughter, DUI, or killing themselves in a bad car accident. This is not good, if you are not picking up on my seriousness. Please call anybody to come pick you up. If you know me, I will come get you or find someone sober to come pick you up.
So lets say if we do have a good time and treat ourselves this holiday, go ahead but please don't drive under the influence. I can not deal with losing anymore of my friends or student peers, I love you all.

P.S. My band even has a hardcore song about the defense of Drunk Drivers and how we are not for it. If you are interesting in hearing this song. Its called Accident On I-44 and you can listen at I wrote the lyrics to this song. Thank you.

I hope you all are finishing up with finals and looking ready for the HOLIDAYS, we have a whole month to party.
You stay classy, Rogers State.